12 remedies and professional therapies to get rid of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be a highly discomforting issue, especially if it keeps flaring up. The pain, itching, and irritation can not only make bowel movements difficult but also cause problems in daily life and regular activities. This is why it is better to know a few common remedies that can help soothe the discomfort. Here are a few such hemorrhoid remedies, plus some treatment options, that can help get rid of the issue.
Drink a lot of water
One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. Due to passing hard stools, the blood vessels around the anal region can get inflamed or swollen. This can then lead to pain, itching, bleeding, or irritation in the area. To avoid this, one would need to address their constipation. One of the simplest ways to soften the stool and reduce constipation is by increasing the intake of water. Plus, once the stools soften up and constipation reduces, one would no longer need to strain to pass stools. This will also help reduce inflammation and swelling.
Increase fiber intake
Another simple yet highly effective remedy for constipation is increasing the intake of fiber. Just like water, fiber also helps soften the stools and allows them to pass through the system easily. Certain fiber-rich foods that one can include in their food regimen are broccoli, whole grain foods, beans, fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds. Ideally, one should aim to consume at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber in a day.
Spend less time on the toilet seat
A lot of individuals have developed the habit of spending too much time sitting on the toilet seats and scrolling through their phones. While this may not seem too harmful, it could actually lead to hemorrhoids. Sitting for long periods on the toilet seat causes hemorrhoids to swell up, which then leads to irritation and pain. To avoid that, it is necessary to maintain good toilet habits by not spending too much time on the seat. Plus, it is also important to not hold back the urge to pass stool. One must go to the toilet as soon as they feel the urge to avoid putting any strain on the muscles later.
Try to keep the feet raised
Another toilet habit that could help reduce hemorrhoids is changing the sitting position. The usual way of sitting on a toilet to pass stools may cause one to strain more, leading to swelling of hemorrhoids. A better alternative, in this case, would be to sit with the feet resting on a slightly raised platform, like a step stool. This would allow for stools to pass through easily, hence reducing the strain.
Exercise more often
Regular exercising also has positive effects in reducing hemorrhoids. Simple and light exercises, such as aerobics, jogging, or daily walking, can regulate bowel movements. This way, one would not have to worry about constipation, which would then help reduce hemorrhoids.
Take sitz baths
Sitz bath is also a simple yet effective way to reduce the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. To take a sitz bath, all one has to do to sit in a tub of warm water for 15 to 20 minutes. Soaking the bottom region in warm water would allow the sphincter muscles to relax, which helps in reducing the itching and pain. A sitz bath can be taken every day to relax the muscles. One can take it in either a small plastic tub or a bathtub. After the bath, one must only dry the area by gently tapping it with a soft cloth. Rubbing the area to dry it will increase the pain and discomfort.
Ice the area
Besides a warm bath, icing the region can also reduce the swelling and the discomfort. However, one must ensure that ice is not applied directly to the region. Instead, one can try icing the area with cold packs or ice packs. This can be done for a few minutes several times a day.
Apply aloe vera gel
To help reduce the irritation in the anal region, one can also apply aloe vera gel. It has been known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help in alleviating hemorrhoid inflammation. However, one must be careful to only apply pure aloe vera gel and avoid any aloe vera creams, as they may have harsh additives in them.
Professional treatment options for hemorrhoids
If hemorrhoid swelling and discomfort persist, or if the flare-ups become too frequent, it is crucial to consult a doctor. Plus, if the bleeding is excessive, one must visit a doctor immediately. A doctor may suggest either of these treatment options to get rid of hemorrhoids:
This procedure, also called hemorrhoidectomy, involves the surgical removal of hemorrhoids. It is highly effective as it gets rid of the hemorrhoids completely.
Rubber band litigation
In this procedure, the doctor ties a small rubber band around the hemorrhoids. This cuts off the blood supply to it, causing it to fall off within a week.
This procedure involves the doctor injecting a solution into the hemorrhoid blood vessels. This solution causes the hemorrhoids to shrink, thus reducing the discomfort.
Infrared coagulation
In this procedure, the doctor projects an infrared light beam to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids, causing them to shrink. This procedure is usually done in multiple sessions.